What is ElderCare123 Planning Made Simple?
I have practiced elder law for nearly 17 years and have helped over a thousand families as they have planned for or travelled through the elder care continuum. I have found that families have either addressed the numerous eldercare issues in advance or they haven’t and are then faced with a crisis. Unfortunately most haven’t planned in advance and are faced with a stressful and expensive crisis. I created ElderCare123 Planning Made Simple as a workshop to help seniors and their families address the benefits of properly planning in advance and the risks of not doing so.
The workshop consists of three sections: The first is our “One Goal” that our clients desire, then the “Two Choices” that they have when pursuing that Goal and finally, the “Three Results” once they arrive at the actual point of need – they either did nothing, undertook some planning but it wasn’t done properly or finally, they planned correctly and the result is that they have protected the most assets and will pursue the best care possible. Here are some more details on the three sections:
1 Goal: Protect the Most Assets and Get the Best Care
“A Goal is something you are trying to do or achieve.” Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary
The Goal of Protecting the Most Assets and Getting the Best Care requires not only knowing and taking advantage of the Medicaid eligibility rules but also intentionally committing to maintaining the home as the place of care for as long as it is the safest environment. The best care can only be achieved with quality services, support, coordination and experienced advocacy.
At Tully & Winkelman, P.C., we use a model called the Elder Care Continuum to help families achieve their Goals by helping them understand the natural progression of aging and its impact on a loved one’s care and assets. The Elder Care Continuum helps families view the care journey as a process in advance of the need which allows families to meet the Goal of Protecting the Most Assets and Getting the Best Care.
2 Choices: Plan in Advance or Faced with a Crisis
For those that plan in advance, there are certain benefits: increased options and control and often less stress, legal cost, medical cost and risk. For those that are faced with a crisis the results are reversed: less options and control and more stress, legal cost, medical cost and risk.
3 Results: Do Nothing. Do It Wrong. Do It Right.
For those that choose to not undertake advance planning, a crisis usually occurs which typically results in less options and control and more stress, legal cost, medical cost and risk.
Then, there are those families that have undertaken some planning but it fails due to one the following reasons: it was a ‘do it yourself’ or piecemeal plan or they utilized an inexperienced attorney or they never completed the proper planning due to Procrastination.
Finally, there is the category of families that have done it right. They are the ones that selected an experienced elder law firm, obtained the proper, comprehensive basic documentation and also implemented a comprehensive asset protection plan. Moreover, they also properly understood the Medicaid programs and the eligibility.
If you wish to learn more, please join me at our ElderCare123 Planning Made Simple Workshops on October 23rd at either 10 am or 7pm held at the Holiday Inn Plainview. Please call the office for registration information at (631) 424-2800.
Protect the Most. Get the Best. Tully Law, P.C.
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