This year, after several years without a Cost of Living Increase (COLA), Social Security has increased your monthly income by 1.7%. This increase will affect your monthly Medicaid budget.
In the next coming weeks, you or your loved one should receive a Notice of Decision on Your Medical Assistance from the Department of Social Services (DSS) or NYC HRA which revises you or your spouse’s monthly contribution of excess income. In the past, Medicaid would wait until your yearly re-certification (renewal) to make this increase; however, this year the change is happening retroactively to January 1, 2013. If you or your loved one receives Community Medicaid benefits, this could also affect the amount you are depositing into your Pooled Supplemental Needs Trust (NYSARC or other similar established pooled income trust).
If you have had any other income changes, the Notice also reiterates that there is an obligation to immediately notify DSS of such changes.
To prevent any disruption in care, please contact our Senior Associate, Elizabeth Gullo, Esq., upon receipt of this Notice so that we may discuss what steps need to be taken to ensure the continuation of care provided by Medicaid.
Lastly, please note that there are strict deadlines to file for a conference or an appeal if you disagree with the increase.