National Senior Independence Month  

National Senior Independence Month  
National Senior Independence Month  

February is National Senior Independence Month! In the aging community, losing your independence is a common fear. The loss of independence can result in reduced self-worth and respect, which makes it crucial to help aging individuals maintain as much control over their lives as possible. This month celebrates the independence our senior community deserves and the necessary resources that help make this happen. 

In honor of National Senior Independence Month, Managing Partner Brian Andrew Tully, Esq. hosted a webinar as a part of Tully Law Group’s monthly Senior Advocacy Forum, this one titled “The Top Ways to Maintain Senior Independence.” Brian was joined by three panelists: Stuart B. Almer from Gurwin Healthcare Sytems, Don Belcher from 101 Mobility, and Jim Day, CDI from Fitzgeralds Driving School. The topics were focused on helping seniors live more independently based on their lifestyle, abilities, and personal preferences.

For more details on the webinar, see below:  

Title: Senior Advocacy Forum: The Top Ways to Maintain Senior Independence

Date & Time: Thursday, Feb. 9th at 1 PM 

Moderator: Brian Andrew Tully, Esq. 

Panelists: Stuart B. Almer from Gurwin Healthcare Sytems, Don Belcher from 101 Mobility, and Jim Day, CDI from Fitzgeralds Driving School