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Managing Partner Brian Andrew Tully Elected President of LCPLFA
Managing Partner Brian Andrew Tully Elected President of LCPLFA

Tully Law Group is proud to announce that managing partner & founder Brian Andrew Tully has been elected President of the Life Care Planning Law Firm Association (LCPLFA). Brian has been an active member of the LCPLAFA since 2009. During this time, he served on the Board of Directors twice. Most recently, Brian was the Chair of the Strategic Planning Committee. 

The LCPLFA is the first and only association that empowers law firms focused on the growing field of elder care. This national network is renowned for its holistic practice in offering care coordination, advocacy services, and other legal services. With a primary focus on advocating for quality elder care, they also raise public awareness about the financial, physical, and legal implications that come with the process of aging. 

Congratulations, Brian! We wish you well in this new venture.