Tully Law Group News

Brian Andrew Tully Discusses Legal, Medical and Spiritual Aspects of End-of-Life Health Care

Brian Andrew Tully Discusses Legal, Medical and Spiritual Aspects of End-of-Life Health Care

On Saturday, November 21, attorney Brian Andrew Tully, Esq. will speak at an upcoming conference that addresses end-of-life health issues not just from a medical and legal viewpoint, but from a spiritual viewpoint as well. Mr. Tully has organized and will be a presenter at “End of Life Health Care &...
Brian Andrew Tully Argues POLST (Physicians’ Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment) is Not a Good Model for End of-Life Care Planning

Brian Andrew Tully Argues POLST (Physicians’ Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment) is Not a Good Model for End of-Life Care Planning

Huntington, NY —Brian Andrew Tully, Esq., an attorney specializing in elder law, argues against POLST (Physicians’ Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment). In his article “A Counterview: Objections to the POLST Paradigm,” which was published in the February 2009 issue of The Elder Law Report, Mr. Tully states that POLST gives physicians autonomy...
Brian Andrew Tully’s Article Published in New Estate Planning Book

Brian Andrew Tully’s Article Published in New Estate Planning Book

Attorney Brian Andrew Tully, Esq. is proud to announce that his article, “Elder Law Concepts” has been chosen to appear in the newly released publication “WealthCounsel.”® In his article, Mr. Tully explains why it is important to hire an experienced elder law attorney when you reach retirement, and what you need...

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