Thinking About Drafting a Will? Why Wait?

Thinking About Drafting a Will? Why Wait?
Thinking About Drafting a Will? Why Wait?
A Will is a legal document that specifies the designation of assets after an individual passes away and, among other (more…)
New York State Estate Tax Law Modifications
New York State Estate Tax Law Modifications
As of April 1, 2015 modifications were made to the New York State Estate Tax Law. In brief, the estate (more…)
New York Increases Estate Tax Threshold
New York Increases Estate Tax Threshold
As of April 1, 2014 New York State has doubled its estate tax exemption from $1,000,000 to $2,062,500. The exemption (more…)
New Year: Same Estate Tax but New Long-term Care Commission
New Year: Same Estate Tax but New Long-term Care Commission
Now that the new year is upon us there is some news of importance regarding United States tax laws, and (more…)