Melville Home Care Lawyer

Many seniors have no interest in living out their golden years in a nursing home facility. Instead, they prefer to remain in the comfort of their own home, even if they are no longer able to meet all of their needs.

Medicaid offers benefits that can pay for the cost of in-home assistance and nursing care. However, you must meet certain criteria to qualify for coverage. A dedicated life care planning attorney could help you navigate this complex process and ensure you comply with all requirements. Let a Melville home care lawyer safeguard your interests and help your loved ones receive the proper care they deserve.

What Does Medicaid Cover?

Medicaid provides various benefits related to home health care, including medical care from nurses who visit residences to provide specific types of treatments. These benefits also cover the cost of home attendant services to assist a person with their daily needs, such as cooking, cleaning, grocery shopping, and laundry.

In some cases, patients who have substantial needs might be eligible for additional services, such as assistance with grooming, bathing, or dressing. However, the number of hours for these services each week is limited. A home care attorney in Melville could provide guidance on the scope of these benefits.

Issues of Eligibility

Many seniors find that qualifying for Medicaid benefits is difficult due to strict income and asset limits. The federal government has laws in place to prevent individuals from transferring their property immediately before applying for Medicaid benefits.

Known as the “look back” period, these rules require the federal government to review an applicant’s assets from the months prior to their application. If the government discovers evidence of large asset transfers during this period, a person may be temporarily barred from Medicaid. This can frustrate a senior’s plans to remain in their home. To avoid this common outcome, individuals in Melville should enlist the help of a combative home care lawyer.

Tips for Qualifying for Medicaid

An attorney in Melville could help someone qualify for home care benefits through Medicaid in several ways. One approach is developing a comprehensive plan years ahead of time to ensure a senior remains eligible for Medicaid.

A common strategy to address eligibility is through spending down assets over time. This typically involves a strategic gifting plan to transfer generational wealth to children and other family members. Given the look-back period requirement, starting this process early is critical.

Another option is the Medicaid Asset Protection Trust. Instead of giving everything away, this allows a person to transfer ownership of valuable assets into the trust while still being able to use the income or control how the property is distributed in the future. Navigating this process without the help of experienced legal counsel could jeopardize an individual’s claim and prevent them from receiving benefits.

Reach Out to a Melville Home Care Attorney Today

If you intend to remain in your home as you grow older, you may be able to secure Medicaid benefits with proper planning. Do not let your loved ones seek Medicaid benefits on their own, as navigating this process can be overwhelming and challenging. With the help of a Melville home care lawyer, achieving your life care planning goals may be possible.

Contact Tully Law Group, PC today to discuss your legal options during a private consultation.