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Divvying Up Your Assets

Divvying Up Your Assets
Divvying Up Your Assets
“Fact is, money does crazy things to families.” An article on Forbes website discusses how money has the capability to (more…)
The Ethical Will
The Ethical Will
Most people are familiar with documents like the “Last Will and Testament” and the “Living Will.” These are legally-binding documents (more…)
New York State Estate Tax Law Modifications
New York State Estate Tax Law Modifications
As of April 1, 2015 modifications were made to the New York State Estate Tax Law. In brief, the estate (more…)
What to Consider Before Leaving an Inheritance
What to Consider Before Leaving an Inheritance
It is not uncommon for parents to worry about the potential consequences of leaving a large inheritance to their children: (more…)
Protection for Surviving Spouse of Reverse Mortgage Holders
Protection for Surviving Spouse of Reverse Mortgage Holders
The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) established a new rule effective as of August 4, 2014 that aims (more…)
New York Increases Estate Tax Threshold
New York Increases Estate Tax Threshold
As of April 1, 2014 New York State has doubled its estate tax exemption from $1,000,000 to $2,062,500. The exemption (more…)
Reverse Mortgages Not Only for Last Resort?
Reverse Mortgages Not Only for Last Resort?
Recently published an article announcing that the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) has retracted their statement that reverse mortgages (more…)
Protecting Your Personal Information
Protecting Your Personal Information
Unfortunately Senior citizens are often the target of identity theft. The Privacy Rights Clearinghouse (PRC) published a “Privacy Survival Guide” (more…)
Reverse Mortgage: Myths vs. Facts
Reverse Mortgage: Myths vs. Facts
Bernadette Collins, a Reverse Mortgage Loan Originator with Associated Mortgage Bankers, kindly provided us with some myths and facts about (more…)
Wise Money: How to Prepare Your Children for an Inheritance
Wise Money: How to Prepare Your Children for an Inheritance
Oftentimes when a person inherits money, they are not prepared to handle this new increase in wealth. Fox Business recently (more…)